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Cleckheaton & Spenborough AODS


Proudly entertaining Cleckheaton and Spenborough for 106 Years...

Hello, from the members, volunteers and committee of Cleckheaton & Spenborough Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, a registered charity number 501625 . May we take a little of your time to tell you about our history and the wonderful work we do in our community to encourage and develop public appreciation in the dramatic and operatic arts.

At the end of the First World War, a group of people in the St John's Church formed the Cleckheaton and Spenborough Operatic Society and their premier performance was Aladdin and Out in 1918
(Click 'More History' for pictures). Since then, with the exception of the Second World War, the Society has performed at least one show every year locally. We are proud of our 101 years and have a lot to look forward to.

As a registered charity we are self-funded and our aim is to engage people in the dramatic and operatic arts. The Society performs modern plays and musicals. All ages are welcome; we are always looking for new talent, so if you can sing, dance, or act we would be very pleased to hear from you. We also need people who are interested in working Front of House or Backstage.

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